Envision Math serves as our primary mathematics curriculum. We approach math with a hands-on, realistic perspective that encourages students to look at how mathematics is all around us, every day. Envision also provides computer resources like videos for extra practice at home.
K-5 Envision Math 2.0 Scope And Sequence
Amplify Science is a highly engaging, phenomena-based program for grades K–8 that integrates the latest practices in science teaching and learning, as well as interactive digital tools and hands-on activities, to teach students how to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.
K-5 Science Scope and Sequence
Our students begin studying social studies by first studying themselves and their neighborhood, and then year by year expand their studies to other cultures, parts of the country and countries of the world. All of our social studies lessons and projects integrate reading and writing themes from the NYCDOE Passport Curriculum.
Social Studies Curriculum Themes